If you want to apply for a job at the office where I work, I'll put in a good word for you.
如果你想申请我所在单位的工作, 我可以替你美言几句.
《现代汉英综合大词典》To apply for a job, you must fill out a form.
辞典例句I want to apply for a job as a receptionist.
互联网When you apply for a job, the mainest consideration factor why?
你找工作时, 最重要的考虑因素为何?
互联网How to apply for a job on the Internet?
怎么在网上求职 呢 ?
互联网C . Do you want to apply for a job?
你想要应徵这份工作 吗 ?
互联网To be frank, I am here to apply for a job.
说实在的, 我到这里是来申请一份工作的.
互联网Accordingly when to apply for a job must compare carefully, discern seriously.
因此求职时一定要仔细比较, 认真辨别.
互联网Have the distinction that apply for a job?
是不是有找工作的区别 啊 ?
互联网Apply for a job.
互联网Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes when you apply for a job?
互联网If you apply for a job, you better seek counsel from your professor.
假如你申请工作, 你最好请教你的教授.
互联网Apply for a job working as a coveragist or story editor at a film studio.
互联网He applied for a leave of absence; She applied for college; apply for a job.
他申请休假; 她申请上大学; 申请一份工作.
互联网Thomas: You're right. I'll apply for a job at the theater tomorrow. Thanks!
汤玛斯: 你 说 得对. 我明天就去电影院应聘. 谢啦!
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